Omar Neyra about disagreement between MTC and Metro de Lima: "Facial masks have no use"

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COVID-19: Use of facial protector on line 1 of the Lima Metro will continue to be mandatory

Public Health Specialist Omar Neyra lamented the disagreement starring the Ministry of Transportation and the Lima Metro on the use of facial protector in these public transport units;However, in his opinion, its use not only has no scientific evidence, but could generate a perception of false security.

"In a country where citizen is not prioritized, we have these inconsistencies: in the same city, two transport authorities dictate different measures because based on 'paper' and bureaucracy say that a resolution is missing.More than a year ago, it was already evidence.

In an interview with RPP News, the public health specialist explained that the spray, being very small and weightless particles, are suspended in the air, therefore, he said that "facial masks are not useful because if an environment is in an environmentSuspended the spray, or don't have a mask you could infect ".

Neyra also indicated that, theoretically, people could spread "by conjunctiva";However, she said there is no evidence.On the contrary, he remarked that the current evidence indicates that people are infected with COVID-19 by the nasal and oral mucosa, for which the protection mechanism "are only the masks".

Omar Neyra sobre desacuerdo entre MTC y Metro de Lima:

"Then, if we understand the bellyAnd after two years he insists on the masks, "he said.

"Not only are they not useful to prevent contagion with sprays for Sars-COV-2, but they generate a false sense of security and see many citizens using the mask and lower the mask because they think that the mask already protects them and that isAn error we are making, "he added.

Use of facial protector on line 1 of the Lima Metro

Lima Lima 1 line indicated that Ministerial Resolution No. 878-2021-MTC/01, of the Ministry of Transport and Communications, of September 15, which updates the “Sanitary Protocol V Sectorial for the Prevention of COVID-19For meters and railways ”is in force.

In a statement published in its social media accounts, line 1 indicated that in this standard the obligation of the use of facial protector and double mask is provided.

"We ask all those people who use the Lima Metro Line Metro system comply with the rules established by the competent authorities," he said.

This despite the fact that at the beginning of the month, the Minsa updated the biosafety protocols, among which it was indicated that the use of facial protectors or glasses is recommended in closed spaces where there is agglomeration of people, but it is not mandatory and does not replace the use of useof mask.

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Omar Neyra about disagreement between MTC and Metro de Lima: "Facial masks have no use"
  • 781
  • They are facial oxygen masks

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