3 facial gymnastics exercises to relax the face muscles after wearing the mask

  • By:jobsplane



    If you know someone who likes to wear a mask, get us your phone, we have to talk.If not, you are likely to feel like 99.9% of the people: oppressed and something aogobiado.We will end up getting used, but until then, all these sensations cause another side effect: a totally tense face.And all this accumulated tension translates into stress in the skin that flows, irremediably, in premature aging.

    The lines caused by tension are marked, the sensation of constant apnea causes the skin to be stressed by the increase in cortisol and become necessary, more than ever, facial yoga exercises.If you haven't trained your face yet, you should try it.

    And in the same way that we exercise the rest of the body muscles, we should take awareness of the muscles of our face (which are not few).To start, nothing like starting with these 3 basic and simple exercises, proposed by Aurélia del Sol, Yoga teacher and creator of Face Yoga Soul for Shiseido.

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    Language turns

    3 ejercicios de gimnasia facial para relajar la musculatura de la cara después de llevar la mascarilla

    The way to relax a mouth and tight jaws is by tongue turns inside the mouth, sliding it below the lips up and down.In this way, the skin oxygenates and relaxes by movement and wrinkles caused by tension in that area, they are minimized.

    Repeat the movements for 20 seconds in one sense and another 20 seconds in the other.If you notice burning in the quiet tongue, it is working!

    The o

    Wrap your lips around the teeth and then pronounce the sound of the O, opening your mouth everything you can.If you want to stretch the area more, look to the sky without moving your face.This manages to tone and energize the face, in addition to stretching the muscles that are tense.

    Do it between 3 and 5 times, enduring the or about 10 seconds.

    Reinforces the jaw

    Strengthen this area with soft pinches from the chin to the ears by the jaw line, to both sides.No strong pressures or fast: it must be relaxing.With this you will relax the area, but you will also tone it thanks to the fact that the circulation and production of collagen is stimulated.

    Do it between 3 and 5 times, starting from the center.


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    3 facial gymnastics exercises to relax the face muscles after wearing the mask
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