Lifestyle Lifestyle Handle towel: how it works and how often it should be changed

  • By:jobsplane



Have you ever used a make -up towel?It has nothing to do with the wipes.It is a comfortable, practical and soft product for the skin that we should all have to get off.Let us know then a little better what is the make -up towel, how to use it and also, how often it should be changed.

Handle towel: how it works and how often it should be changed

The makeup towel has ended up imposing in the beauty and cosmetics market.Each time more aware of the danger of our skin if we get removed with wet wipe.Ultra soft polyester microfiber towels.

The fibers that make up this type of towels measure approximately half a centimeter long and it is only necessary to soak them in warm water to eliminate makeup effectively.All you have to do is rub it on your face with small circular movements and use the other side to dry and exfoliate.It is also ideal for sensitive skin, since it does not contain the chemicals and additives that are found in other cleaners.In short, it is still like using a life towel, but being microfiber is more effective and is also much more delicate with the skin of the face.

What eliminates the screenshot?

Lifestyle Lifestyle Handle towel: how it works and how often it should be changed

Eliminates all types of makeup, including facial powders, correctors, base, lipstick, spotsproof and waterproof makeup that can be removed with delicate wipes.No doubt that to use it better we can add in addition to water one or two drops of our cleaning soap and thus we will get fresh and careful skin without leaving waste.

How does the stranded towel work?

The makeup towel works better than a normal towel, since it is composed of many threads on a smaller surface.This is useful because it helps with friction.The fibers can adhere to makeup and take it out of the skin.

Since the fibers are smaller, they can penetrate under the finest makeup particles and achieve a deeper cleaning.It also has a great absorption, so when you clean your makeup, it is not only eliminated from our face, but it adheres to the fabric thanks to the fibers that unite dirt and retain it better than normal fabric.

Now yes, for good use of this type of product, we must try to wash the towel after each use (if you wish you can do it in the washing machine) and replace it when the fibers are spent.

Lifestyle Lifestyle Handle towel: how it works and how often it should be changed
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