They chose Germany for their son's health and discovered that the State covers everything until 18

  • By:jobsplane



“The issue of friendship in Germany, yes, is difficult...As almost everywhere as an adult immigrant.One of great will no longer make friends as in youth, not because people are so different, but because a past is not shared in common, the memory of school days, the university, the exits.We are not so different, we have simply lived those experiences that mark us so much, in different places with different stories, ”reflects Denis Degener, an Argentine who arrived in Germany in 2015, a country where he found a good life, but confronted it with certain difficulties.

For Denis and his wife, Gabriela, leaving Argentina was not a simple decision and, nevertheless, a health issue of one of her children ended up convincing them: they had to change course.The farewell was bittersweet, but the motivation and renewed energy overcame the natural fear of a new beginning: “In fact, the first two years were pure adrenaline, they flew.After this period, right there when stability and comfort is reached, one thinks again what he left ".

A "country" without fences, independent boys and privileged health

They arrived in Germany with an understandable oral level, although writing it was always complex.With its three articles (Der, Die, Das) and its many declines, marriage still makes mistakes.

They settled in Senden, a paradise that softened the cultural impact.Before Denis' wonderful gaze, the new home arose promising in a neighborhood similar to a Buenos Aires country, but without fences or security: "There is not even a police detachment here, in this town of about 20 thousand inhabitants," observes.

“All schools are together of a stream, the primary is open, the boys go to the park, without bars or anything.In addition, all children go to school alone, their independence is much greater, they solve everything by bike, there are special paths and parks.The sports field is public and exceptional, in such a town, having three spectacular soccer fields, another athletics, three complexes covered for sports (Bádminton, winter tennis, basketball, handball....and more), public pool covered in winter and open in summer with slides (Cabrio Senden), it is enviable ”.

For the Degener family, health had been the central reason for its move, a decision that during the first months proved to be the right.They not only managed to process certain specific needs without difficulties, but they discovered an impeccable and resolution service.

"Social security covers everything.Minors do not have to pay medications, dental devices, or any specialist doctor, for giving some examples.Adults have copags of some things, one goes to the doctor and a month comes the bill (not before), but the amounts are minimal and never represent an existential economic risk;The same goes for chronic diseases ".

An easy life to live as a family and a segmented education

Eligieron Alemania por la salud de su hijo y descubrieron que el Estado cubre todo hasta los 18

Over the years, and despite certain inevitable nostalgia, marriage was found in a comfortable situation, before unthinkable. Rodeados por paisajes de ensueño, la vida de pronto se presentó fácil, en especial para vivirla en familia: residir en un pueblo alemán resultó ser magnífico para el desarrollo humano, creativo e intelectual de sus hijos.

"Education is public.Depending on their grades, boys can access a 9 -year cycle (Hauptschule), which then enables certain technicatures where they learn inside a company and in turn charge a salary;a 10 -year cycle (Realschule), where technicatures and tertiary studies are also accessed;or 13 years of school can be completed (gymnasium), where the title of Abitur is granted that enables the entrance to the university, although not all the careers, since this depends on the abitur's note.To enter medicine, for example, a perfect average of 10 (equivalent to 1 here) is needed ".

“On the other hand, all boys receive a family salary (Kindergeld) of just over 200 euros per son per month, while living at home.As for maternity/paternity permit, it is up to 14 months, which can be distributed among the parents, who continue to charge 80% of their salary by the State until they return to their jobs ”, continues."Pags holidays are 30 business days per year, that is, 6 weeks, some more if combined with holidays," he smiles.

"Here the entire population must have a trade or profession"

Located 20 kilometers from Münster, a city famous for its elegance, its churches and the university, Denis soon discovered that its people, Senden, is part of the German Nordic culture, in a country used to dividing into two: north and south.Unlike the South headed by Bavaria, a more decontracted region, in the north, the Argentine was surrounded by somewhat more distant customs, indicated even in several jokes.

“Acá dicen a modo de broma: `A ver cuándo terminan las tontas reglas de 1, 5 metros de distancia por corona, así en el norte podemos volver a los confortables 4 metros a los que estamos habituados”, cuenta Denis con una sonrisa."Distance also has to do with intimacy.I mean, here people do not ask you personal questions, it is an interference to do it, it is frowned upon;If you want to tell something, you must get out of one.That speaks a lot about our differences ".

To Denis and Gabriela, the physical distance of their country of origin and the natural distance of the inhabitants of their new land, allowed them to focus day and night on their goals.With their children settled in a green and free environment, they searched for the roads to access a good quality of life for their own.

"In relation to labor opportunities are excellent and there are really many, as long as one has an acceptable academic and German level," he says.“As a recommendation for the emigrant, it is best to do the university here: market integration is immediate.The Argentine title is not very recognized, however, with it a good quality of life is also achieved, it only costs more effort and time.In the event that there is no university training, there are many alternative paths, since here manual, artisanal and technical work is valued a lot. El Estado, a través del Arbeitsamt (bolsa de trabajo) financia las tecnicaturas por completo, es un derecho, ya que toda la población debe tener un oficio o profesión”.

“In my case, as a graduate in Argentine economy, I made a technique in tax specialist, where I studied and at the same time I worked on an accounting study, with a salary of the State.Every technicature includes a salary work and when there is a pleasure.Therefore, despite not exercising my university degree, we live very well.Gabriela, on the other hand, opened her own classical and contemporary dance school with great success, ”he adds.“Outside the big cities it is very easy to buy a house, since the interest rate is on the floor;A payroll six months old is enough for any bank to open the doors.A save of 10 thousand euros is necessary to receive the credit ".

"If one looks objectively, Germany is a show"

Even despite the great facilities and undeniable well -being in their adoptive nation, the adrenaline of the first two years - which marked by novelty, adaptation and great effort - was diluted to give way to a balance that showed the sidesHard of exile.

After six years living in Germany, for Denis, the German country emerges, every so often, too organized.But, even despite the extreme order, disagreement is still present among its inhabitants.And then, when he returns to his beloved Argentina, poverty impacts him intense, painful, comparatively, something that leads him to reflect on human emotions and the relative of them.

“In my experience I learned that people in Germany, and in general in the world, is very good.There are differences in the shell, they are superficial, but in the end, it is like everyone wants the same.Yes, life is easier here, it is true, and you have the covered essential items: health, retirement, education, but people do problems.For the Argentine gaze the problem will be undoubtedly much less than in Germany, but I believe that the level of concern, not knowing other realities, in the end is the same.That is, circumstances may differ, but human emotions feel with the same intensity ”.

"As Argentine, I could say that the negative of Germany is its envelope, its difficult language to learn, and the fact that there are not the great friends, the family," he reflects.“But if one looks objectively, Germany is a show, pity that we cannot bring to our entire environment, right?, To that kind of friends as long as it costs to find in adult life, more in other lands....So, like any emigrant, one is left between two worlds: it is difficult to go to Argentina and face inconveniences fully overcome here, but, at the same time, it is impossible to cut the umbilical cord with the roots ”.


Unexpected destinations is a section that invites you to explore various corners of the planet to expand our gaze on cultures in the world.Proposes to delve into the reasons, feelings and emotions of those who decide to choose a new path.If you want to share your experience living in distant lands you can write to email does not provide tourist, labor, consular information;The author of the note receives it, not the protagonists.The testimonies narrated for this section are chronic life that reflect personal perceptions.

They chose Germany for their son's health and discovered that the State covers everything until 18
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