These are the 5 worst diets in Spain according to nutritionists: how to lose weight with health

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The European Medical Institute of Obesity (IMEO) launches its ninth edition of the classification of better and worse diets.The ranking is backed by about twenty experts in obesity and health care, including endocrine doctors and bariatric surgeons, clinical and sports nutritionists, dietitians, psychologists, therapists and physical coaches.

Experts remember that less healthy diets are sensational and very restrictive, promise to lose a lot of weight in a short time, being unsustainable in the long term.In addition, they lack scientific support and often resort "miraculous and dangerous" decisions ".

The first advised is 'The Diet of the Pinchazo'.It is an injectable drug that states that it reduces weight practically without any effort.Its active substance is liraglutida, with appetite inhibitor effect that acts on brain receptors by increasing the feeling of satiety during the subsequent 24 hours.To maintain this anorexigen effect, it must be injected daily at the same time.

This type of drug has been marketed in Spain since 2016.The list of side effects that can produce is long: from mild such as vomiting, nausea, fatigue, dizziness, constipation or diarrhea, to some very serious.

The second is the 'patches diet'.Promises to lose between 4 and 8 kilos per month for the modest price of 25 euros the package."They have no side effects, but their effectiveness in weight loss is not scientifically demonstrated," says Immaculate Luengo, Clinical Nutritionist and IMEO Community and Sports Food Expert.

The third is the Keto or ketogenic diet with its most controversial variants, such as Atkins, Scardale or Dukan.It promises significant weight loss, 2 to 3 kilos a week, and is often related to the names of Jennifer López or actress Halle Berry.It is a diet based on up to 80% in the intake of proteins and fat.

"When someone follows this guideline and stops consuming carbohydrates, his body loses his main source of energy and resorts to accumulated fat as supply," explains the clinical nutritionist of Imeo Carmen Escalada.By reducing the consumption of foods rich in simple sugars that provide a large amount of empty calories, the total caloric intake decreases, since foods rich in protein and fat, those allowed, are very satisfying, so it will eat less.

Éstas son las 5 peores dietas de España según los nutricionistas: cómo adelgazar con salud

Therefore, this guideline should only be done under a follow -up of a qualified healthcare and for a limited time, since it can promote health problems derived from the accumulation of the ketone bodies.They can be from mild (bad breath, nausea, cramps, dizziness, constipation or headaches) to serious (dehydration, hyperuricemia, renal deficiencies or cerebral edema).

Fourth, they point out the 'baby diet' with which up to 3 kilos can be lost in a week.Triumphs among younger women and celebrities like Lady Gaga or Jennifer Aniston.It consists in supplying the solid daily food by crushed foods with liquid or semi -solid consistency that include crushed fruit, vegetable purés or food replacement shakes.This type of food is not necessarily less caloric than a diet that includes all kinds of consistencies.

Finally, the 'severe dissociated diet', which promises to lose about 3 kilos a week and is one of the favorites of actress Kate Winslet and singer Kylie Minogue.This diet lacks important side effects, is monotonous and difficult to continue with time, produces fatigue and an insured rebound effect when abandoning it.

The five best diets

On the contrary, experts highlight five diets that contribute to leading a healthy lifestyle.The first would be that of 'Change 360', where the objective does not focus only on weight loss, but on other aspects equally important, such as health, the role of food such as medicine, vitality and mood, sleep quality, stress management, physical improvement and body composition or reduce and delay the effects of aging.

It recommends taking abundant amounts of fruits and vegetables and, to a lesser extent, carbohydrates of whole grains, lean protein sources such as legumes, fish and low fat dairy, as well as healthy fats for the heart.The allowed drinks to drink among the main meals are water, coffee and infusions.

Psychonutrition or non -diet, which is the one followed by the former Heidi Klum model and the actress Ana de Armas.This is the relationship that people have with food, their behaviors, such as eating for anxiety or their emotional bond with certain types of food in certain situations or moods.

It is about learning to eat without extreme restrictions, so it does not rule out any food group, prioritizes vegetables, fruits, legumes, meat, fish, flour and integral grains, good fats rich in antioxidants and does not exclude a whim of lower nutritional qualityor occasionally processed.

Third, recommend the 'Realfood'.Those who continue to take care of their health based on "real food" that includes both whole and fresh food, which have been minimally processed.Although the fundamental objective is not the weight loss, it can occur at a rate from a half to a kilo per week as a collateral consequence to the improvement in lifestyle and the reduction of the consumption of certain highly caloric and little satisfying products, such ascookies, buns, juices and soft drinks or industrial sauces among others.

Another diet that recommends is the 'intermittent fasting 16/8', which follow Elsa Pataky and Chris Hemsworth.The fast that commonly gives better results would be that of 16/8, while thresholds above 10pm for long periods would be discouraged for more probability of loss of muscle mass.

In fasting 16/8 we will have a first phase of 16 hours in which we are not going to ingest any food and largely coincides with the period we dedicate to sleep, omitting breakfast and then proceeding with the food window.At all times, low calorie liquids such as water, tea and a certain amount of coffee could be consumed to reduce the feeling of hunger.

Finally is the 'flexitarian diet' based on the consumption of a vegetarian diet in which only meat or fish is consumed in a timely manner.Although it is not a diet to lose weight as such, well planned it can help us in this task at a healthy pace between and a kilo of fat a week.

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These are the 5 worst diets in Spain according to nutritionists: how to lose weight with health
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