Scientists describe how a woman overcame a multirresistant bacterial infection

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Bacterial infections resistant to all medicines are a very serious public health problem.Now, a scientific team has described an experimental treatment with a combination of bacteriophages - a type of virus - and antibiotics capable of ending one of these infections.

The treated patient was a 30 -year -old woman's victim of the 2016 attack at the Brussels airport, with an infection with "Klebsiella pneumoniae" and related to a fracture, for which antibiotic treatment had failed for almost two years.

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The combination of bacteriophages - a type of virus - and antibiotics was what "significantly improved" the state of this woman, says the researchers responsible for the study.

According to the authors, this case demonstrates the promise of treatments with bacteriophages for drug -resistant bacterial infections.Your description is published in the journal Nature Communications.


Científicos describen cómo una mujer superó una infección bacteriana multirresistente

Las bacterias panresistentes -o “superbacterias”- son resistentes a todos los agentes antimicrobianos disponibles en el mercado y constituyen una amenaza creciente para la salud pública, ya que las opciones de tratamiento son limitadas.

An alternative approach - Fagica therapy - is the use of bacteriophages, a type of virus that infects and kills bacteria.Called “phages” abbreviated, these were discovered just over a century ago.

Anaïs Eskenazi and his Erasme de Brussels hospital team report the results of a six -day treatment with bacteriophages for this 30 -year -old patient Tuesday.

On March 22 this woman suffered a polytrauma during the suicide attack.After an aggressive multidisciplinary intervention, which included resuscitation, partial imputation of the iliac bone and the external fixation of a broken femur, the patient was stabilized.

However, the authors of the work report, on day 4 it evolved towards a septic shock due to an infection in the surgical wound in the left thigh, despite the antibiotic treatment.

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The bacterial culture of surgical biopsies showed a polymicrobial flora, consisting of "Enterococcus faecium", "Pseudomonas aeruginosa", "Enterobacter Cloacae" and "Klebsiella pneumoniae".This was the starting point.


The authors then selected and adapted a bacteriophage for the optimal elimination of the bacteria, specific to the K -strain.pneumoniae in the patient.

Therapy against "Superbacteria"

This bacterium is one of the main concerns of the medical and scientific community due to its capacity, among others, to form biofilms - adhered for example to the implant surface - or avoid the immune system.

Para combatirla, el equipo utilizó una combinación de este bacteriófago preadaptado -aplicado localmente en la herida- y antibióticos, una “terapia de rescate” que dio como resultado una mejora clínica, microbiológica y radiológica objetiva de las heridas y estado general de la paciente.

Three months later, the general state of women had improved, the wound was healing and no evidence of bacterial infection was found.

Three years after the combined treatment of phages and antibiotics, the patient had recovered mobility, according to the authors.

In the last decade there has been an increase in research in phage therapy, including the use of these to treat infections related to orthopedics -other clinical cases have been published in scientific journals -.

Sin embargo, pese a que este estudio de caso demuestra el potencial de la terapia con bacteriófagos, es probable que sea necesaria una compleja personalización del tratamiento, lo que dificulta su aplicación a grupos de pacientes más amplios, advierten los autores.(YO)

Scientists describe how a woman overcame a multirresistant bacterial infection
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