The most read, stain of lipstick in clothes?It more read of the day comments

  • By:jobsplane



This happens when dressing, if the clothes are accidentally touched by makeup lips.In that case, the best thing is to clean the stain with warm water.

The sooner the lipstick stain is fought, more easily you can eliminate it.Therefore, the best advice is: rinse directly with warm water.In the best case the fabric is clean immediately, and at the worst, the stain has at least diluted a little.

Warm water should also be used to remove other fat spots such as oil.On the other hand, cold rinse is better for substances that contain proteins, such as milk, cocoa or blood.

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If you then wash the garment, you should previously treat fat spots, such as the remains of the kiss or makeup, with beef hiel soap or other surfactant chitamanches.By previously dealing with this type of spots with these products, it allows you to then wash with soap in the washing machine.

On the contrary, protein -based spots can be removed with boron salt powder.

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