How to remove the embedded hairs: 5 simple tricks

  • By:jobsplane



We live at a time when hair is left over, however, hair removal requires a lot of dedication.The main inconvenience after shaving is that small inflammations usually appear that can become infected.They are hairs that have not been able to grow correctly, that is, embodied hairs.Apart from being antistnetics, when infected they can generate a serious problem.

The embedded hairs are more common when we shave with a blade, but they can appear after any hair removal technique, even with wax or depilatory creams.It is necessary that you take measures to avoid this problem, so keep in mind the following tips on how to remove the embedded hair.

Tips to avoid incarnate hairs

The best way to get rid of the enquisted hairs is to prevent them from leaving, so attend to these recommendations:

How to remove an enquistado hair

Despite having followed all the previous advice, if you have not been able to prevent the embedded hair from appearing in your skin after hair removal pays attention to these home remedies to treat them and reduce their discomfort.

1.Chamomile or Malva infusion

Encarious hairs are common for them to derive in an inflamed and reddish grain quite painful.Do not stir or squeeze it with the fingers or the infection could be aggravated.

One of the most effective is to apply chamomile compresses in the affected area.This medicinal plant, as well as marshmallow, are powerful anti -inflammatory and natural antibacterial.So, in addition to lowering inflammation, they will avoid a serious infection and help the skin recover faster.

Cómo quitar los pelos enquistados: 5 sencillos trucos

To do this, prepare an infusion of chamomile or mauve and, once it is warm, soaks a gauze and place it on the area to be treated.Leave it 10 minutes to notice relief, in addition to being hot, it will also favor the dilation of the pores and the treatment will penetrate much better.

2.Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera or aloe is another great ally to get rid of the played hair.On the one hand, it eliminates dirt and waste accumulated in pores and, on the other, it is soothing, antibacterial and regenerator.Thus, irritation and inflammation will disappear, accelerating the healing process.

In addition, it takes care of the skin and regenerating, keeping it hydrated and preventing marks and scars.You can use it in two ways: directly from the plant cutting one of its leaves, extracting the pulp and applying it on the skin letting act for 30 minutes.And the second, with an Aloe Vera gel applying every night before going to sleep.Rinse the next morning with warm water.

3.Sodium bicarbonate

Exfoliating the area where the embodied hairs are found is very effective to favor their exit abroad.In this way, you will eliminate dead cells accumulated on the surface of the skin and pores will open better.The exfoliation must be very soft so as not to damage the skin and have a soothing and anti -inflammatory effect.

To enjoy its benefits, mix in a bowl two tablespoons of water with one of bicarbonate and apply the resulting pasta in the area smoothly.Make circular massages and let act for five minutes before winging with warm water.

4.Apple vinager

Apple cider vinegar is also an excellent product to treat certain skin conditions, such as embedded hairs, and renewed damaged skin.It contains maric acid that provides antibacterial properties, thus reducing the risk of infection.In addition, disobstructs pores and helps improve blood circulation.

Dilute a tablespoon of this vinegar in a tablespoon of water and soak a cotton disc with this mixture to apply it on the area.Leave 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.


A mask made with aspirin can be used to treat the encapsis hair causing them to go to the surface, as it has exfoliating properties and reduces redness and swelling.

You just need to crush two pills until you get a very fine dust, put them in a container and add three drops of water.Remove and apply this paste on the affected area and let it act about 15 minutes.Then, remove with warm water.

How to get the incarnate hairs

Once you have used any of the previous remedies, it will be time to extract the incarnate hairs.You must be very careful to avoid severe infection.

If you cannot treat yourself the embedded hairs yourself, you will have to go to the doctor in case they are at great depth, because it will be aggravated with the passing of the days.On the other hand, if it is in the outermost layer of the skin, follow these steps:

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