What is the best time to put a facial mask

  • By:jobsplane



El uso constante del cubrebocas conlleva cuidados especiales para el rostro, lavado constante, después de cada puesta o la aplicación de productos o remedios para que no broten granitos.Las mascarillas ya sea caseras o con fórmulas especificas, dictadas por especialistas, son aliadas a esta causa; se puede utilizan utilizar sueros hidratantes después de lavar la cara para mantener la piel elástica y sin resequedad.

How much and at what time of day?

Cuál es la mejor hora para ponerte una mascarilla facial

The ideal is to place the mask at night, twice a week, “when washing our face before our pores are prepared to absorb all types of nutrients.One of the most beneficial for the skin is honey with natural yogurt, it is prepared with a spoonful of yogurt, a tablespoon of honey and about 5 lemon droplets, mixed until a homogeneous consistency is applied, it is applied and leftstand for 30 minutes.Remove with warm water, ”suggest specialists from the Wellness Project, Cryomx.


What is the best time to put a facial mask
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