What is the 'peeling'?|Bezzia

  • By:jobsplane



Normally, when they tell us about ‘peeling’ we associate it with a deep exfoliation of the skin, and although it is exactly that, there are many types of ‘peeling’.We write this article to clarify the differences between them, to explain what is the ‘peeling’ exactly and what are its benefits.


What is the ‘peeling’?

‘Peeling’ means peeling or exfoliation and consists in the use of chemical substances on the skin to renew their layers and thus be able to eliminate imperfections and favor a uniform color.

Normally different acids are used (glycolic, salicylic, mandelian, resorcin, triclocheracytic, phenol, etc..) depending on the results that are sought, of the type of skin, of the cutaneous state, of age and the clinical history.

Peelings are used to correct thin, medium or deep wrinkles, to treat acne (active, mild or moderate) and its sequelae, photoenons, skin aging, sagging, fine and rough skin, fat skin, spotscutaneous, actinic keratosis, etc ...

What are the benefits of ‘peeling’?

These are some of the benefits of ‘peeling’:

Types of ‘peelings’

There are three types of peelings, the superficial that only cleans the outer layer of the skin, the median that is perfect for skins that need a greater treatment.Tricloroacetic acid, glycolic acid and vitamin A is usually used and you should keep in mind that your face can acquire a reddish or brown hue once the treatment is over.

¿Qué es el 'peeling'? | Bezzia

Finally we can talk about deep peelings which use much stronger chemical solutions and have a very good result with respect to deep acne brands or wrinkles, and even with the loss of pigment or spots on the face.In this case, being a much more aggressive compound, complete healing can lead to a little more time.Keep in mind that the result at the beginning can be similar to that of a second degree burn.The latter are only performed in beauty and aesthetics clinics, while the first and second can be done well at home, as we will see below or in aesthetics.

The deep ‘peelings’ are given in several sessions, depending on the cleaning level that your skin and the treatment to follow.Its effectiveness begins to be seen from the second or third session and the price of each of them, it depends a lot on the clinic and the city, but it is between the 90-100 euros, approximately.

Frequent questions about ‘peeling’

More than questions we are going to give you the answers to the most frequent questions that are usually done before performing a deep ‘peeling’ treatment:

How to make a homemade peeling ’yourself

Not all can we go to a clinic to make a chemical ‘peeling’.Although it is a very effective treatment, it is still very expensive for what pockets, so we are going to give you a natural and economical recipe to perform a homemade peeling ’.

The ingredients you will need are:

  1. 1 limón.
  2. 1 naranja
  3. 1 sobre de gelatina sin sabor.

Step by recipe:

  1. Exprime el limón y la naranja y mezcla ambos zumos en un taza. Ponlo en el microondas hasta que se caliente, pero nunca dejes que hierve.
  2. Disuelve el sobre de gelatina en el jugo caliente. Remueve hasta que se disuelva completamente y deja reposar cinco minutos.
  3. Con la ayuda de una brocha facial, pon la mezcla en el rostro cuidando de que no toque el área de los ojos, y déjala actuar en la piel durante 10 minutos aproximadamente. Pasado ese tiempo, enjuaga tu cara con agua tibia y sécala con una toalla suavemente dando golpecitos.

Lemon juice is astringent so it helps eliminate black points and the most superficial dirt on face.On the other hand, orange juice has vitamin C that helps hydration and regeneration of the skin.The gelatin does is that the mixture of lemon and orange adheres better to the skin forming a small film about it.

Once we have cleaned the face with this citrus mask, we have to hydrate the face and eye contour.You can use a somewhat more moisturizing cream than you use daily so that hydration is deeper or can also apply a nutritious cream that helps to regeneration of the skin.The eye contour is applied to small touches and through the ocular bone area, without touching the eyelids.

What is the 'peeling'?|Bezzia
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