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We all know that health is a treasure.A healthy society is closely related to women's health.However, it is these beings who forget or relegate care of themselves.

As mothers the most important thing for them is the well -being of their children, her husband, her parents, and in the end, only in the end, they pay attention to her person.This should not be so, neither in this nor any other society.Mom's health depends on the well -being of her children when they are young, and their tranquility when they are older.

Cervical cancer is preventable and treatable when detected in time.For years, the month of January has been dedicated to highlighting the importance and possibility of ending this disease.It is important to highlight this fact because the cervix and woman's uterus are a source of life, it is there where babies are gestated, but they are also organs susceptible to viruses and infections that, if discovered in time they are treatable.

Reading a comment by Lucy Félix, coordinator of the National Institute of Reproductive Health for Latinas for the State of Texas, I find out that the percentage of Hispanic women who die due to cervical cancer is 36 percent higher than that of women in general,And that in counties like ours, which are border with Mexico, this percentage increases to 31 percent, which can be interpreted as the death of three out of ten women, which is very high.

The reasons why Hispanic women in the Texas Vallecoupled with the ignorance of many who have never had access to appropriate sex education.Also if we consider that many lack medical expenses and therefore do not have the ease of making reviews every six months or annual which would detect in time the start of cervical cancer, cysts in the uterus or matrix, and even theAppearance of human papillomavirus, which can be a precursor to cancer.

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The National Institute of Reproductive Health for Latinas has published in Spanish "our voice, our health, our Texas", a brochure that informs about the devastating consequences that cervical cancer has in the Hispanic women of our state, also considering all the Mothers who live in our valley without having a documentation that covers them and who gives them access to health systems, would be inhuman not to consider them, since they are active members of our society, responsible for the care of their children and many others due to their works.

Even when we cannot agree on issues such as immigration or politics, health issues are treated apart, because the loss of a life is irreparable, both of a baby not yet born, and that of a woman who will probably leavechildren in the orphanage if it is not treated as it should and has the misfortune of developing cervical cancer.

Women love and take care of them! As women are the core of the home and they must be well to take care of their family.

Live one day at a time!...Ignite The Moment!...And remember that God loves you and me too.Msgr.Juan Nicolau, Ph.D.STL. Sacerdote jubilado de laDiócesis de Brownsville.He is a family psychotherapist and professional advisor with licenses.

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