Special period to register with medical insurance will be open from February 15 to May 15

  • By:jobsplane



Washington— El presidente Joe Biden tomará medidas el jueves para que más gente cuente con seguro médico mientras sigue fuerte la pandemia de coronavirus, un adelanto a su promesa de que exista cobertura para todos.

Biden will sign an executive order to reopen the Healthcare markets.Gov, something that Donald Trump's administration refused to do.

That new “special registration period” will begin on February 15 and will run until May 15, said the White House.It will be combined with a promotional campaign and a call to the states that manage their own insurance markets to match the opportunity for registration to the Federal Program.

Biden has promised to take advantage of the health law promoted by former president Barack Obama to ensure that all Americans have health coverage.But to do that, you will need the approval of Congress, and many Republicans oppose.

The most short -term concrete impact of Biden's executive orders will come from the reopening of Healthcare insurance markets.Gov, because coverage has been reduced to economic agitation derived from pandemic.

Periodo especial para inscribirse en seguro médico estará abierto del 15 de febrero al 15 de mayo

Created under the affordable health care law also known as "Obamacare", markets offer subsidized coverage by taxpayers regardless of the medical history of a person or pre-existing conditions, including COVID-19.

The Obama's Medical Attention Law covers more than 23 million people through a combination of subsidized private insurance sold in all states and medicalid expanded adopted by 38 states, the main states being the main exception.

Coverage is available for people who do not have medical insurance derived from their employment, and the expansion of Medicaid is oriented to people with low income.

Of about 28 million Americans without medical insurance before the pandemic, the Kaiser Family Foundation, which is not partisan, has estimated that more than 16 million were eligible for some form of subsidized coverage through the Health Law.

Due to the financial assistance of the ACA, many are eligible for zero premium coverage, and this important point of sale is expected in the promotional discourse of the Biden Administration.

Analysts agree that the number of people without medical insurance has increased due to layoff.

Biden will also reverse a federal policy that prohibits the financing of taxpayers for international non -profit medical care organizations that offer counseling or references on abortion.

The Democratic president is also expected to terminate Trump's regulations that prohibit family planning clinics financed with federal funds to inform about abortion.

These actions will bring praise from women's defending groups, as well as the condemnation of social and religious conservatives.With Trump, abortion opponents had a loose rein to rewriting federal policy and now the political pendulum is going back.

Special period to register with medical insurance will be open from February 15 to May 15
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