San Juan Bautista: prayers and rituals to celebrate it

  • By:jobsplane




On June 24, the feast of Saint John the Baptist is celebrated. Through prayers and rituals he is asked in the midst of difficult situations, but he is also known as a saint who opens paths and provides protection.

Prayers and rituals to celebrate Saint John the Baptist

He was born six months before Jesus, exactly on the day of the Summer Solstice; while Jesus was born on the Winter Solstice. In this way, its celebration became the Catholic way of celebrating the Solstice. On the night of San Juan, bonfires are usually lit by the sea, as a ritual to purify and harness the energy of the Sun.

Other rituals say it's a good day to cut your hair and nails. Believers trust that this strengthens them, but they are also signs of good luck.

Saint John the Baptist is the only saint who is honored on the day of his birth and not on the day of his death, because his mother was mature and barren. That is why San Juan is considered a miracle of life.

It is said that he was a person open to offering everything he had. Due to his generosity, he is known as a saint who fulfills the requests received, especially those related to health, love and abundance.

It may interest you: 7 Rituals to celebrate the beginning of the Winter and Summer Solstice

Short prayers to ask Saint John the Baptist

1. Glorious Saint John the Baptist, for the ardent love you had for the Child Jesus and for the most holy sweetness that he instilled in your heart with his compliments; For those privileges that he granted you to perform so many miracles in favor of your devotees, I beg you to deign to favor me in all my needs with your effective patronage and in particular I beg you to reach me the grace that I ask of you on this day.

Oh, glorious Saint John the Baptist, have mercy on this sorrowful soul, who placed his hopes in you; deliver her, I beg you, from her miseries. Oh, saint of miracles!, relieve the anguish of my heart, and make me live here as a true lover of my Jesus to be able to enjoy Him in Heaven. Amen.__________

2. Sacred forerunner of Christ, who sanctified in your mother's womb, you were the admiration of the world in the exercise of virtues and in the privileges with which God enriched you. Angel in chastity, apostle in zeal and preaching, and martyr in the constancy with which you offered your head to the knife to rebuke the incestuous Herod, and in the supernatural lights that heaven endowed you with, prophet of whom he himself came to say Christ: "Among those born of women none greater than John the Baptist"; pray to the Lord that:

Saint John the Baptist: prayers and rituals for celebrate it

Make me mortified by your penance, by your solitude, collected, and by your silence, silent, chaste by your virginity, spiritual by your contemplation, and invincible to my passions by the victory that you achieved over your enemies, so that I managed to see you in the eternal homeland.


Prayer to Saint John the Baptist to open the roads

Glory to you, Saint John the Baptist, invincible martyr!, angel of purity before your birth and the greatest Prophet born of a woman; special and favorite friend of Christ and authentic preacher of the Truth, glorious forerunner of Christ, the Sun of Justice, and voice of the Eternal Word, for your virtues and for the privileges with which God enriched you, give us strength and courage to overcome all fear and enemy and give us wisdom to achieve our illusions and goals.

Oh, Glorious Saint John the Baptist, who throughout your life with devotion and fidelity fulfilled the will of the Heavenly Father, and as the true Forerunner of the Messiah, little by little, with the simplicity of the fulfilled duty, you disappeared so that Christ the Savior would inaugurate the Kingdom of God among men.

We ask you with simplicity of heart for help, help us to get out of problems and adverse situations, remove all danger and enemies from our side, remove all evil, stumbling blocks and darkness in our lives so that our paths are clear and open to the true love, stable, dignified and well-paid work, economic stability, and perfect health, to everything we so long for and need, make luck, prosperity and fortune favor us and peace, friendship, harmony and happiness accompany us everywhere and at all times.

Protect us, alleviate our burdens, our sadness, and help us achieve peace of mind, happiness and well-being in our home, especially we beg you to reach us from the Lord, who is infinitely merciful and can do everything, solution and remedy these are our problems and shortcomings: (ask now for what you want to achieve). Blessed Saint John the Baptist, please attend to the requests that with humility and faith, with full confidence and hope, I have asked you, you know that they are necessary for me to live joyful, full of health and surrounded by everything that makes us happy.

Oh Saint John, so close to Jesus, our Redeemer, and to the Virgin Mary, his Blessed Mother and ours, both in his human life and now in the Heights, let us be blessed by Them, and by your power. He cleanses, purifies and clarifies our paths and turns our sorrows and misfortunes into joy. Ask the Lord for mercy and forgiveness for us, and to guide our steps along the path of peace, so that one day we can sing with you in the Heavenly Mansions the glories and praises of our Creator.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Pray the Creed, Our Father and Glory Be.

Prayer to Saint John the Baptist for urgent requests

Blessed Saint John the Baptist, you were chosen to announce to men the coming of the kingdom of Christ. Guide our steps along the paths of justice and peace, and obtain for us from the Lord his mercy and forgiveness.

Most glorious Saint John the Baptist, precursor of my Lord Jesus Christ, beautiful star of the best sun, trumpet of Heaven, voice of the eternal verb, get me from the Lord his benevolence and blessing. You who are the greatest of saints and lieutenant of the King of Glory. That you are more a child of grace than of nature, and for all reasons a most powerful prince in Heaven, get me your clemency and protection from the Lord.

Glorious Saint John the Baptist, today in my despair I beg you to help me in these hard times, I need your valuable help to solve my sorrows and miseries, mediate before the Lord to grant me: (say the request).

I ask you, invincible martyr, not to ignore my sorrows and for the privileges with which God enriched you. Get my request granted as soon as possible if it is convenient for my salvation;

and if not, a perfect resignation, with abundant grace, that becoming a friend of God, assures me the eternal happiness of Glory.


Pray The Creed, three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and three Glories. Repeat the prayer and prayers for three consecutive days.

Prayer for protection to Saint John the Baptist

In particular, holy forerunner of the Lord, I beg you to reach me the grace that I humbly and fervently ask of you in this prayer: (ask for protection).

Oh, glorious Saint John the Baptist, take pity on this grieving soul, who placed his hopes in you; deliver her, I beg you, from her miseries. Holy precursor of Jesus Christ, almighty prince of heaven, grant me the grace that I ask of you, as well as your blessed protection.

Oh, saint of miracles!, relieve the anguish of my heart, and make me live here on earth as a true lover of the Lord to be able to enjoy Him in Glory.


Say three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and three Glories. Repeat the prayer and prayers five days in a row.


San Juan Bautista: prayers and rituals to celebrate it
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