Newspaper today |They declare water emergency and promise to arrive with water in affected areas

  • By:jobsplane



At a press conference, the head of the ESSAP, Natalicio Chase, explained that the water emergency is given as a result of the 5.700 service providers, between sanitation and aguatery joints, today they have no capacity to supply water for human consumption.

He argued that the highest percentage of this situation occurs following the existing drought in the country.Given this crisis, they plan to reach the affected points to guarantee the water supply.

Chase said that 100% of the institution's capacity will be available, either with tank trucks or other machinery, plus the support of the SEN, whose budget will be used for mobilization in the western region.

Diario HOY | Declaran emergencia hídrica y prometen llegar con agua a zonas afectadas

"We will attend the communities, this emergency includes assistance to all Paraguayans," said Chase.

Newspaper today |They declare water emergency and promise to arrive with water in affected areas
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