Let's talk about hydrogen peroxide and its use to combat acne

  • By:jobsplane



Beauty does not know, but hydrogen peroxide also has practical uses that will be useful in your beauty routine to combat small outbreaks of acne outbreaks.

By writing Vogue

It turns out that hydrogen peroxide, that bottle that is not lacking in any first aid kit and that is commonly used to disinfect wounds, also have benefits on the skin and can be included in our beauty routine.Among its benefits is to be an agent to combat acne.

Oxygenated peroxide, also known as hydrogen peroxide, has beauty benefits that few know.Specifically on the skin, it helps eliminate bacteria and extra fat.It is an increasingly common remedy that is frequently implemented.However, if you have oily skin or a severe acne problem, it is best to consult a specialist to know with certainty if it would be beneficial about your face.Similarly, if you have scars on the face, use hydrogen peroxide will not be the most recommended.

If you have fat skin there are things to avoid in your beauty routine, because you could be causing, without knowing that the problem is more serious.Applying the hydrogen peroxide is really simple and it is not necessary to be diluted but to apply in small quantities.This is the step by step how you can do it.

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How to include hydrogen peroxide in my beauty routine?

To start you must make sure that your face is perfectly clean, so you should remove yourself (if it comes to the case) and then wash your face with your usual soap.Use a clean towel to remove excess water and that is completely dry.An important point to consider will be that you do this procedure only at night.

Once dried, use a cotton and remox it in a slightly oxygenated peroxy, and apply mainly your face, it is not necessary to press.It allows you to do your job for about five minutes, no more (it is very important not to leave it more time), it will be very clear because you will notice that the bubbles that this liquid causes stop.

Then you must rinse with plenty of water.It is not necessary to use facial soap again, but you must make sure that you have cleaned well and there are no remains.If you could not cause itching or irritation.Then apply a uniform lay.

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Precautions to consider before using hydrogen peroxide for acne

As a general recommendation, it is important to apply hydrogen peroxide in small quantities and keep it away at all times from eyes and mouth.If you are going to try it, the best thing would be for you to do it with 1%hydrame, that the least concentrated formula, to prove that your skin has a favorable reaction.It will be best for you to do it occasionally and not daily.

Oxygenated hydrogen, in addition to reducing excess bait can help you scarring caused by acne, however if after using notes a feeling of itching or irritation in the face, it will be best to stop its use immediately.We recommend you first consult a skin specialist, especially if you have a tendency to severe acne, so that it guides you if this procedure in your skin care routine would be something beneficial for you.Oxygenated hydrogen can help but it is not a miraculous weapon.

Let's talk about hydrogen peroxide and its use to combat acne
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