Remove dark spots from lips naturally

  • By:jobsplane



Many times dark spots usually appear around the lips, although it does not imply a risk to our health, it does affect us aesthetically.

Although there are ways to remove lip blemishes naturally, it's important to first understand why these blemishes appear in your mouth.

Beware of the sun!

Removes dark spots from lips natural way

According to specialists, most of them appear due to exposure to the Sun, so it is important to take care of your lips with sunscreen and follow other tips:

Read also: [Remove dark spots on the skin with these home treatments]

Natural remedies to remove stains

Do it for no more than 5 minutes, when finished, avoid exposing yourself to the sun. It is best to do it at night, before going to bed. For greater safety consult with the dermatologist.

Read also: [What is the best treatment to erase facial blemishes?]

Take a carrot, peel it and then cut it with the grater, take the grated carrot and squeeze it into a container. With a piece of cotton, take a little of the previously strained juice, and spread it over the place where you have the spots. Let it act for 10 minutes and then rinse.

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Remove dark spots from lips naturally
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