Forget lip wrinkles with these effective tricks: from hydration to facial gymnastics

  • By:jobsplane



The wrinkles that appear on the lips and that we know by the name of “barcode” are somehow inevitable with the passing of the years. The loss of collagen and elasticity in that area of ​​the face is especially visible, as it is around the eyes, where wrinkles also form easily.

The skin in these areas is thinner and more delicate than in the rest. In addition, our mouth is what allows us to laugh, drink, eat, kiss... Its activity is constant, and it should be that way, but we can stop the appearance of the famous wrinkles, which are also a consequence of other factors, such as genetics. .

Genetics and lifestyle influence the appearance of wrinkles. SOURCE:

Lip stains usually appear in the upper area and removing them is one of the most sought-after aesthetic treatments, for example through hyaluronic acid infiltrations. There are also specific creams that help us mitigate those wrinkles once they have already made their appearance. And, as we are going to tell you, there are a series of tricks and habits that you can put into practice to prevent them from increasing and reduce those that already exist. Put them into practice and don't stop smiling!

A plus of hydration

We know that keeping the skin hydrated is something that is noticed immediately but, above all, it is appreciated over time. The daily use of a moisturizing cream adapted to your needs, both age and skin type, visibly improves the appearance of wrinkles and helps stop their future appearance.

Forget lip wrinkles with these effective tricks: from hydration to facial gymnastics

Be mindful of how you apply your cream to your face so you don't miss the lip area and make sure they get their daily dose of hydration.

Lips Get Exfoliated Too

As we just pointed out, the lip area is at risk of being neglected when it comes to treating facial skin, and that includes exfoliating treatments. When we exfoliate the skin around the lip, dead cells are removed and it shows a smoother and more uniform appearance. In addition, any treatment that we apply next will be better absorbed and more effective.

Don't forget the sunscreen

We are still realizing the importance of using sunscreen year-round to care for your skin and prevent wrinkles. But the sooner we do it, the better. To make it easier, we can always look for a moisturizer that contains a high protection factor, but it doesn't hurt that in specific areas, such as the lip, we use a specific protector whose protection factor does not fall below 50.

Don't forget to wear sunscreen daily. SOURCE:

Sign up for facial gymnastics

The muscles of the face also respond to exercise. If you take care of the rest of your body with other types of exercises, why not do the same with your face? The difficulty is that you have to get into a good habit to see results, but the great advantage is that it only takes a few minutes and you can do them comfortably at home whenever it suits you. Take note of this exercise and, to make it easier and more effective, apply a little moisturizing cream on your finger: it will glide better and, incidentally, you'll be providing an extra dose of hydration:

Food is fundamental

Although sometimes it is difficult for us to make the connection between food and skin, the reality is that we are what we eat, together with the rest of our lifestyles. Well-groomed skin, with wrinkles under control and a good appearance is also the result of eating well.

Make sure that you do not lack in your diet, both for your skin and for your health in general, foods that are rich in antioxidants and vitamins C and E. Avocado, tomatoes, carrots, broccoli, sesame seeds or lemon are your great allies to fight wrinkles.

Forget tobacco

We don't need to remind you how harmful and harmful tobacco is to our health. But, on the subject at hand, it should be noted that the repeated gesture of smoking is one of those that most favors the formation of the happy barcode.



Forget lip wrinkles with these effective tricks: from hydration to facial gymnastics
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