Do you know the importance of having a first aid kit in your home?

  • By:jobsplane



It is important to prevent accidents or eventualities in the home, so it is essential to have a first aid kit with basic items.

A first aid kit with the right supplies can help clean the cuts, limit the risks of infection, and help heal an injury, such as a sprain.

How should we organize the medicine cabinet?

Before you know the items and medicines that need to be equipped with a medicine kit, it is also important to mention a few previous issues that will help us to compose a useful health space for any unexpected:

  1. El botiquín debe ser una caja, bolsa, estuche o cajón limpio, duradero y espacioso, que garantice que su contenido está protegido del exterior y la suciedad.
  2. Debe estar colocado o guardado en un lugar seco y fresco y que sea conocido por todos los miembros de la familia o personas que vivan en la casa, pero que no resulte de fácil acceso para los niños.
  3. No debe tener cerradura ni cerrarse mediante contraseña o códigos, ya que en un momento de urgencia estos pueden resultar problemáticos.
  4. Las gasas, vendas, algodones, deben guardarse cerrados, para que mantengan su entorno estéril.
  5. Conviene revisar todos los artículos periódicamente con el objetivo de descartar los que estén caducados o reponer los que se hayan acabado.

Si se cuenta con una relación de los elementos que guardamos en el botiquín, esta tarea será más sencilla.

In addition, we must make an essential difference: on the one hand we will have the first aid kit for cures and, on the other, a small dispensary or space with the medicines, which we will keep in their own containers so that we always have the package leaflet and the relevant information on it.

What to include in your home first aid kit?

¿Conoces la importancia de tener un botiquín de primeros auxilios en tu hogar?

Emergency contact numbers for family members, emergency medical numbers and personal doctors.

Drug dispensary

If we use a medication chronically, it is interesting that we keep a paper with it indicating the medications we take, the dose, and the times when we take them.

This can help us organize ourselves so that we do not lack medication or have too much. Also in case of urgency, our relatives can indicate and know what we take.

Related notes:

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Do you know the importance of having a first aid kit in your home?
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