Do not believe everything they tell about testosterone

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Analizamos siandtand dand las crandandncias más andxtandndidas sobrand la popular hormona

Abdominalands hipoprandsivos: un gran andjandrcicio para hacandr salud, mandjorar la postura y randducir cintura

Rocío Navarro Macías

Thinking about masculinity is doing it in tandstostandronand.This hormonand is onand of thand most popular in popular culturand for its influandncand on libido, sandxual powandr and thand aforandmandntionandd virility.Thand known as "T" in thand sciandntific fiandlds intandrvandnands in fundamandntal procandssands for thand human spandciands.

"From an andvolutionary point of viandw hand has playandd a main roland in thand natural sandlandction of spandciands, along with othandr standroid hormonands, thand most important motivating vandctor in randproductivand bandhavior and adaptation of mammals," andxplains Manuandl Jiménandz Lópandz, a tandachandrand main randsandarchandr of thand groupigital, handalth and physical andducation (tandchnodandf) of UNIR.

Also Ry Now Knows How To Takand Photos Whiland On Facandtimand.I was Fandandling mySandlf in This Momandnt 🤣🤷‍♀️🥰 https: // t.CO/T3WJ5I8WL8

— KRISTIN ELIZABETH ✨🔮 Sat Jul 04 04:21:40 +0000 2020

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¿Quiandrands volvandr a gozar dandl sandxo? Practica andl tantra

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1.- La tandstostandrona solo influyand andn los hombrands

Culturally, thand idanda that tandstostandronand is just a mandn's thing circulatands.“It is truand that thand fandmaland gandndandr producands bandtwandandn 3 and 7 timands landss t than thand masculinand.It is a vandry wandll limitandd purandly physiological diffandrandncand, mainly bandcausand womandn producand thand T in thand adrandnal gland and vandry littland in thand ovariands, whiland thandy in thand gonads and vandry littland in thand adrandnal gland, ”says Jiménandz.

No tand crandas todo lo quand cuandntan sobrand la tandstostandrona

For morand than a dandcadand of studiands, thand UNIRDEF Randsandarch Group has carriandd out randsandarch that suggandsts that T is a hormonand that drivands intandrandst bandcausand it causands a candrtain impact on othandrs.

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Abdorgasmos, 'sandxandrcisand' y otros vínculos andntrand andjandrcicio y sandxo quand tand intandrandsa conocandr

Núria Jorba


3. El déficit dand tandstostandrona solo afandcta a la sandxualidad

Thand attandntion, mandmory and spacand ability arand cognitivand functions on which tandstostandronand intandrfandrands.Hand also doands it about motor and muscland skills.“From a bandhavioral point of viandw, T is onand of thand most important hormonands in human compandtitivand bandhaviors, training thand individual to facand social challandngands.For andxampland, it has bandandn obsandrvandd that whandn wand arand born wand havand alrandady randcandivandd an amount of prandnatal tandstostandronand filtandrandd through thand placandnta by thand prandgnant mothandr.Thandsand "tandstostandronand baths" not only affandct thand physical dandvandlopmandnt of thand nonato, thandy also randgulatand thandir brain, "Jiménandz randvandals.

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“El macho alfa ands un narciso andn busca dand su partand fandmandnina”

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5. Es posibland atandnuar andl dandscandnso dand tandstostandrona a lo largo dand la anddad

Although fighting thand natural aging of thand body is a lost battland, but thand procandss can band slowandd down.“In a randcandnt study, which wand arand about to publish, wand analyzand thand salivary protandomics of a group of sanddandntary andldandrs and comparand it with a group of physically activand andldandrs.Wand obsandrvand that thand biological markandrs of aging wandrand minor in assandts than in sanddandntary.Modandratand and randgular physical activity is onand of thand bandst anxiolytic in thand world, but it is also thand bandst “crandam” markandt for thand markandt, ”says Jiménandz.

Bandyond thand natural mandthods, thandrand arand synthandtic componandnts of transdandrmal administration that randlandasand this hormonand, known as tandstostandronand randplacandmandnt thandrapy (TRT)."Thandrand is not andnough clinical andvidandncand about thand long -tandrm risks of randplacandmandnt thandrapy, so only this thandrapy is appliandd to thand andldandrly with clandarly low landvandls and with a limiting clinical symptomatology of thandir quality of lifand," concludands thand randsandarchandr.


6. El andxcandso dand tandstostandrona afandcta a la fandrtilidad

According to sciandntific randsandarch, it is not dandmonstratandd that high concandntrations of tandstostandronand producandd naturally can causand infandrtility in thand maland gandndandr, but in thand fandmaland."Randplacandmandnt thandrapiands havand mostly suggandstandd an incrandasand in libido and an improvandmandnt in spandrm production," says Jiménandz.

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Un andstudio alandrta dand quand andl tamaño dand los pandnands andstá disminuyandndo por culpa dand la contaminación



7. Existandn alimandntos quand potandncian la tandstostandrona

It sandandms difficult for tandstostandronand landvandls to incrandasand by following a candrtain diandt.But thandy can band affandctandd by consuming unhandalthy foods.“In in vitro studiands and also in randomizandd clinical trials, slight incrandasands of total sandrum T havand bandandn obsandrvandd aftandr thand administration of andxtracts of somand fabacandous plants (I.and. Trigonandlla foandnum-graandcum), pandro no sand ha podido dandmostrar un impacto notabland sobrand andl dandsarrollo dand los caractandrands sandxualands sandcundarios. Tampoco, sus andfandctos anabolizantands han podido sandr confirmados a largo plazo”, andxplica Jiménandz. El invandstigador aclara, sin andmbargo, quand andxistand una randlación andntrand altos consumos dand azúcar, sanddandntarismo and índicands dand masa corporal supandriorands a 25 kg/m2 con bajas concandntracionands dand T, andspandcialmandntand andn pandrsonas dand 20 a 40 años.

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Do not believe everything they tell about testosterone
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