Back pain: Causes and most effective exercises and remedies

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¿A quien no le ha dolido alguna vez la espalda? Muy pocos, incluidos los niños se libran de molestias, contracturas, dolor e inflamación en esta parte de nuestra anatomía. La culpa de que la lumbalgia, sin ser considerada una enfermedad por la Organización Mundial de la Salud, sea una epidemia global la tienen las malas posturas, el estrés y, claro, los esfuerzos relativos a cada trabajo. Si preguntásemos a alguien de nuestro entorno cercano en este momento, sería difícil que alguien no tuviese una pequeña inflamación, un dolor en la parte baja al agacharse o simplemente tensión en el cuello.Dolor de espalda: causas y los ejercicios y remedios más efectivos Dolor de espalda: causas y los ejercicios y remedios más efectivos

Year after year, consultations regarding back pain increase.It is a classic of our lives that accompanies us at all ages, since we are little to old age.In fact, back pain is the greatest reason for work leave and the third cause of medical spending worldwide.80% of the world population will suffer back or neck problems throughout their lives.The figures that confirm it as a global epidemic, with 540 million affected people, according to The Lancet, increase every year, along with palliative treatments, focused on medication against inflammation and pain.The Spaniards stand out in this statistic, since 63% of our population suffers from this evil, according to the pain barometer.In addition, according to both international and local statistics, back pain is not forecast to improve its diagnosis and evolution, despite the undoubted advances in the field of traumatology.

Causes of back pain, how to treat them and habits that destroy the back

Back pain, when it is not produced by an injury, can only be treated from the preventive point of view.In this exit position before the pain are the chiropractic, which consider the column as the line of life, and, therefore the axis of health.Surrounded by nerve ramifications, any deviation from its original posture can compress one of those nerves and give rise to a different degree and different place.Thus, a subluxation or displacement of a vertebra can press one or several nerves, interrupting one or more organic functions.The work of a chiropractic is to correct that subluxation, returning to the body its original harmony.The chiropractic adjustment is not performed only when our neck hurts or we have low back pain, it is a routine and prevention therapeutic measure, which helps us in our general well -being, since it reinforces our immune system, relaxes the nervous system and facilitates the vital functions of the vital functions of therest of the body.

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Cuando aparece el dolor de espalda nos medicamos con analgésicos o nos ponemos calor, frío, es decir, recurrimos a los remedios clásicos.But the truth is that back pain is a symptom, not a disease, and despite being one of the causes of greater work absenteeism as we have already mentioned, and also a reason for depression because of its disabling character, we do not dedicate time andeffort to prevent it.This is ensured by chiropractor at Pouramini, for whom it is not just about stretching before practicing sports or not loading excessive weight, classic advice that avoids not a few injuries.The experienced expert wants to emphasize those gestures, postures and movements, that is, habits of our daily lives that could literally be destroying our back:

Beware of fallen shoulder syndrome

How many times will they have told us about that of "Sit yourself straight", "walk up" or "throw your shoulders back", among other phrases with which our elders have intended to correct our posture.It is very possible that if we have children we are repeating exactly the same phrases.It is also likely that ourselves, without realizing it, we suffer from fallen shoulders syndrome.

We are talking about the tendency to slightly tilting the body forward, including the head, curving the back and hunting the shoulders.A bad posture that is increasingly appreciated in more people and of different ages, due to the incorporation of computers and mobile phones into our daily routine.

The more we shrink and walk like this, explains the chiropractor at Pouramini, the more our body tends to remain in this position.The reason is the great flexibility and control over the rest of the skeletal muscle system of the spinal spinal.When folding, it causes the curvature of the rest.This curvature, in turn, produces pain or certain discomforts that only calm down as long as we continue hunched over, with fallen shoulders.

In addition to lumbalgia and cervical pain, fallen shoulder syndrome is unstretched because it makes us lose height and style, in addition to greater appearance of volume in the belly.When we stretch, "we put belly", but, in addition, we exhibit a less self -conscious, more powerful attitude.

It is never too late to try to correct this bad position and for this the expert leaves us the following tips:

The worst tips on back pain

These are the worst advice of family, acquaintances or friends related to back pain.Don't follow them!

The best thing for the back is swimming and, if it's every day, much better

Following this advice can be very expensive if your problem is cervical, since the traditional style, in brain, is an effort for the neck, which will not only help but can contribute to inflammation and pain.Doing sports when you have contractures, on the other hand, should be based on stretching, and never get on successive days.

Local heat should be applied in the area

Not quite.It depends on the pain and the type of injury, if there is.The cold must be applied in cases of acute problems, in order to lower inflammation, about three times a day between five and twenty minutes.According to the area and protecting it with a towel so as not to burn the skin.

This manipulation is indicated in the first three days after noticing the pain.If we have not treated the area during the first three days, it is better to apply heat.The traditional electric blanket, for 20 minutes will do the same function as the cold gel patch.

Take rest

Dolor de espalda: causas y los ejercicios y remedios más efectivos

Muscles need movement because they are designed for it.If you have a pinching it is possible that you have no choice but to keep some intermittent rest, but for contractures it is better to stretch, heat and walk.Continuous absolute rest produces loss of muscle mass, body pain and some abulia, which can lead us to somatize pain and turn it into chronic.

Take pills that others went well

Yes, we all carry a doctor inside, and now with Google's search engine a better informed doctor.It is known that you don't have to self -medicate.In the case of the back, if the pain persists for three days you have to go to the doctor.Of course, if it is very intense, after a trauma or during sports, it must be done immediately.If we self -medicate we can mask the injury.It is also possible for ourselves to reduce that contracture or small pinching, but it will happen again.We will hurt our backs because this problem is not generally treatment but of prevention: better postures, sport and stretching, once again.

That nobody touches your back

Manipulation techniques of affected areas, such as physiotherapy and chiropractic, among others, can help a lot with mechanical lesions and avoid overmedication.You just have to see that professional athletes use them daily exclusively to be in good shape and for muscle recovery.

Back pain can be chronified due to a bad diagnosis, this type of erroneous approaches and self -medication.The expert recommends not resigning and always looking for solutions by professionals.

Prevents back pain to ruin your vacation

The holidays are to rest, or that is, at least, the initial intention, because, in addition to the stress that sometimes it means planning the holidays, many times we return from them more exhausted than we left.In more occasions than desirable with back pain, contractures, pinching or even serious injuries.The back especially accuses routine changes, not only physically, but also somatic.First, the nerves, the preparations, the tension that accumulates for leaving everything ready before leaving, for getting the trip at a good price, for doing all the planned excursions and a long etcetera.Do not allow back pain to ruin your vacation, then we offer you the best tips:

How to act before a lumbago attack quickly and effectively

The Lumbago is one of the greatest causes of work decline throughout the planet, the health authorities worldwide have been reminding us year after year.Also from WHO and other instances they warn us that this very painful symptom, back pain, will prevail in most cases throughout the lives of those who suffer from it.The World Health and Ministries of Health of each nation have identified a series of work in which the back ailments seem inevitable: people who carry weight, drivers, workers for whom the working day runs standing and, byClean, the victims of the famous “sitting” we have already talked about.Being more than eight hours in a row is a risk factor for our spine and the musculature that covers it.Nor when summer comes we get rid of low back pain.In this case, the "guilty" are also identified and, although it seems a lie, stress continues to be one of them.Hurd.What also to say of the very uncomfortable seats, from the hours by car without stretching the legs, of the pillows of the hotels to which we are not accustomed and/or the loading heavy suitcases.What to do if our backs play a bad pass in full (and sometimes short) vacation?These are the advice to be applied, to be able to be, according to the chiropractic expert: if when you notice the pain we identify it with some muscle blow or contracture associated with a bad sustained posture (hours driving or lying in the hammock of the beach),It will be best to apply cold in the area to lower inflammation.In pharmacies you can buy gel bags to cool in the freezer.They should be applied on the area about three times a day between five and fifteen minutes, always careful not to burn the skin. This manipulation is indicated in the first three days after noticing the pain.It should be noted that this treatment is contraindicated in cases of rheumatoid arthritis and in people suffering.If we have not treated the area during the first three days, it is better to apply heat.The traditional electric blanket, for 20 minutes will do the same function as the cold gel patch.If you have at home, it is good to take it to trips, it always helps in these cases.

Whenever the injury has not immobilized us, let's try to move and do not tend to stay at rest.Otherwise we run the risk of all the vacation lying.The reason: the loss of muscle mass.Unless the pain is acute, the recommendation is to perform some kind of physical, soft activity, such as swimming, for example, or walking, some movement to avoid loss of strength in that area of the muscles, which will lead to more contractureAnd more pain.The expert also recommends stretching, in the morning and at night and, although perhaps in these days in which we do not have the specialist nearby, we have to resort to an anti -inflammatory, Pouramini warns of the danger of chronifying these treatments.They do not heal the injuries, he warns, nor go to the solution of the problem: postural education.We must always, at least, ask the pharmacist which we can take during the days we are outside.We should never self -medicate.Of course, if we see that several days have passed and we do not improve, it is best to go to the specialist to rule out more serious injuries, which are usually those that have compromised a nerve or the vertebral discs themselves.In its case, that of chiropractic, it serves, through adjustment, to return the vertebrae to its original position and, therefore, recover the balance of the column.

The 7 pillars of the back of the back

Analyzed the causes and those gestures, postures and movements that produce back pain, it is time to become aware that our well -being is a daily job that, in the case of the back, requires care and maintenance, based on these 7pillars:

  1. Flexibilidad: se consigue con el movimiento y el ejercicio moderado. El Yoga tradicional, el Pilates o el Yogalates, según Pouramini, son más que suficientes, para que el cuerpo en general mantenga un estado flexible. Esto significa que se puede mover sin romperse, como el bambú. Otro ejemplo serían los niños, de quienes siempre decimos que “son de goma”. No, no son de goma, son flexibles. Te recomendamos comenzar el día con esta tabla de ejercicios-estiramientos para ganar flexibilidad y fuerza muscular.
  2. Fuerza: es un requisito imprescindible para nuestra vida cotidiana, para cargar unas bolsas, para llevar a un niño en brazos, para conducir. Sin ella, estamos expuestos, en edades más avanzadas, a problemas serios de roturas y a más dificultades a la hora de enfrentarnos a enfermedades como la osteoporosis. También se entrena. Se puede hacer de manera controlada, explica el experto, incluso en casa, con ejercicios para fortalecer extremidades y glúteos, que soportan todo el peso de la espalda.
  3. Movilidad: el cuerpo humano está diseñado para el movimiento, está articulado. Sin embargo, las nuevas fórmulas de vida, cada vez más enfocadas al sedentarismo perjudican nuestra salud en general y la de la espalda en particular. Se recomienda sustituir toda la actividad realizada con ayuda mecánica por aquella que se pueda hacer de forma natural: trasladarse a pie o en bicicleta, subir escaleras, realizar tareas domésticas…
  4. Postura: la postura crea hábitos de movimiento en la espalda. Si pensamos que la columna vertebral es el eje del cuerpo humano, cualquier hábito negativo en este sentido, como echarse hacia delante, con los hombros inclinados en demasía, o sentarse de la misma manera, nos induce a estar y a movernos así, mal, día tras día. El cuerpo tiene que funcionar en su estado original. Si lo hace en malas posturas, funcionará mal. Descubre aquí cómo adoptar una postura correcta.
  5. Actividad física: 20 minutos al día de ejercicio moderado serán más que suficiente, siempre según estado físico y edad para que la espalda no sea una zona rígida que tienda a contracturarse, pinzarse o quebrarse ante la mínima agresión externa como un cambio de temperatura.
  6. Sobrepeso: La obesidad va en contra de la movilidad y, además, es peligrosa a la hora de realizar actividad física porque supone una sobrecarga en nuestras articulaciones. Tener unos kilos de más no es solo una cuestión estética, sino de salud, un obstáculo para cualquier cambio en positivo de la salud de la espalda. Elimina de tu dieta lo procesado y refinado: azúcares, grasas trans y todo lo precocinado. No sólo engorda, sino que afecta a tu salud global. Es un círculo vicioso. Enfermamos y la espalda se ve afectada, después el dolor nos altera todavía más. En MujerdeElite te damos las claves para adelgazar sin ansiedad, sin pasar hambre y para siempre.

Ends with back pain while you sleep

When we talk about back pain, we associate it in most cases to sports injuries, stress and bad positions;How we walk and sit in front of the computer.What if they told you that you can be producing a lower back while sleeping? You may never hear it, but it is a very real possibility.If we take into account that 33% of our life that we invest in nighttime, our spine could be seriously injured.In order to avoid it, we show you how to use the pillow as a lever to compensate and balance the back curves:

Face down

It is the favorite posture for most people, but when we turn their heads to the side we generate a lot of stress on the neck and shoulders.To avoid this, the expert recommends hugging a fine pillow, while the head rests on the mattress, and place another very fine pillow under the stomach or pelvis to reward and balance the column.

Face down con una pierna doblada

In this case we will place a fine pillow under the chest to relieve cervical tension and another under the hip.Although we change them on the side, they will continue to exercise their work as levers on the nerves and joints, which will cause the relaxation of the tension muscles.Lumbalgia people can benefit in particular from this position.

Face down con la cabeza hacia abajo

Typical of the ciropractic stretchers, it is a very comfortable and neutral posture for the column, and, although it is not specific to the dream it will be worth to relax our back for about 15 minutes.Let's say it is a posture to unlock the spine voltage before bed.To achieve the same effect as in the consultations and manage to breathe properly, you must place a thick pillow on the forehead, another fine pillow under the chest and one last median under the hips.If the sought balance is achieved, it can be very useful for the elderly with lumbar channel stenosis (nerve entrapment and spinal cord in the back), who have pain and numbness in the legs.

Face up

Sleeping back is the best to avoid any type of back pain or neck.The pillow to choose will be fine and we intertwine your hands on the stomach.Very few people are lucky to rest all night.

Face up con almohadas de distinto grosor

It will be ideal for those who suffer chronic back pain.We must place a thick pillow under the knees, a second fine to withstand and bow the lumbar a little and another for the head of the head.You can experience and remove the pillow for lumbar or knees until you find the greatest comfort.

Face up con inclinación

Recommended position for a minority of people with back pain because of a spondylolistesis (displacement of one vertebra on another) or heart failure.Inclined sleep can relieve and improve rest.It is not recommended, of course, pile.

With a fine pillow side

Another very common and very healthy posture for the column, although it is much better to put a fine pillow between the legs.If you can slightly fold the knees, even better.

The fetal postural

You can relieve the symptoms of a disco disc.Put on the fetal position bending the knees with a fine pillow.In this way the joints will be opened, so stress on discs will decrease.In addition, it is advisable.In both cases it will be very important to be able to try them before taking them home.

Back pain exercises

We approach at the end of this guide to discover how to obtain an effective and lasting relief of back pain, and here the exercise comes into play to strengthen the lumbar arch and dorsal muscles.Take note of these 3 simple exercises recommended by personal trainer Marta Rosado and that can be done anywhere and without excuses.

  1. Superman. Tenemos dos opciones/posturas para realizar este ejercicio: tumbados en el suelo o cuadrúpeda. En la primera posición nos tumbamos boca abajo en una esterilla y estiramos los brazos por encima de la cabeza. Elevamos, alargamos y estiramos el brazo y la pierna contraria trabajando con ello la respiración incorporándola al movimiento. 15 repeticiones con cada lado. En la segunda nos ponemos a cuatro patas y realizamos el ejercicio de la misma manera. Otras 15 repeticiones.
  2. Sentadilla. Necesitamos una silla sobre todo al principio, una vez que controlemos la técnica, podremos realizar el ejercicio sin ella. Es importante saber realizar cada ejercicio correctamente para no lesionarnos. 20 repeticiones con silla y 20 sin ella.
  3. Puente añadiendo brazos y piernas. Hay que comenzar tumbados boca arriba con las rodillas flexionadas y los pies apoyados en el suelo. Elevamos la pelvis hacia el techo y volvemos a apoyar toda la espalda en el suelo. Serán 25 repeticiones. Después se realiza el mismo movimiento, pero añadiendo los brazos. Empieza el movimiento, inhala, termina el movimiento exhalando a la vez. Todo va unido. Una vez que lo tenemos además de los brazos alternamos la pierna derecha y luego la izquierda.

In addition to these three exercises, remember the importance of stretching when you get up.It serves to predispose the muscles for the activity, which prevents them from contracting with an abrupt or unexpected movement.The exercises, almost all of soil, are very simple and for all ages.The two most classic and effective ones are lying on my back:

  1. El primero consiste en levantar en dos tandas de 10 repeticiones cada una de las piernas, llevando la rodilla hasta el pecho para volver después a su posición original.
  2. El segundo implica levantar todo el torso y mantenerse unos segundos en equilibrio sobre ambos pies, que deben estar lo más cerca que se pueda de los glúteos. Deben realizarse dos series de 15 repeticiones.

Quick self -confidence for back contractures

With a simple self -saving that you can perform discreetly in the office or when you arrive home after an exhausting day, you can end the frequent and painful back contractures.They will suffice a couple of automase minutes to recover.

  1. Siéntate en una silla con las rodillas dobladas y las plantas de los pies apoyadas completamente en el suelo.
  2. Dobla el tronco hacia delante a la altura de las caderas.
  3. Lleva los brazos hacia la espalda con las palmas de las manos mirando hacia atrás y cierra los puños.
  4. Realiza círculos de abajo a arriba ejerciendo una ligera presión a ambos lados de la columna vertebral.

If you are present in your day to day the advice, recommendations and exercises that we propose, you will be able to reduce to a large extent and in many cases get to completely eliminate the back pain.

Back pain: Causes and most effective exercises and remedies
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