Are you eligible for Medicare?

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Are you under 65 years old?You may qualify

You meet the requirements to enjoy all Medicare's benefits with less than 65 years:

Other ways to obtain Medicare coverage

If you do not meet the requirements on your own or for your spouse, as long as you are an American citizen or be a legal resident for at least five years, you can obtain all the benefits of Medicare at 65.You just have to buy them:

You can register in part B without doing so in part A.However, if you register in part A, you should also do it in B.

¿Eres elegible para Medicare?

You can get part D if you register in parts A or B.

You will not be able to register in a Medicare Advantage plan, which is an alternative private insurance to original Medicare, or buy a medigap supplementary policy unless you are registered in both parties, A and B.

Drafting Note: Patricia Barry contributed to this story that has been updated with information from 2021.

Dena Bunis informs about issues related to Medicare, health care, health policies and the US congress.In addition, she is the author of the "Medicare Made Easy" column for Aarp Bulletin.Awarded for her journalistic work, Bunis worked for years in large cities newspapers.Among the positions he occupied are those of Chief of the Washington Office of Orange County Register and reporter for health and work environment for Newsday.

Are you eligible for Medicare?
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