A 37 -year -old woman and a mother of 3 children died this January 25 at a hospital in Poland, where she entered after she was wrong during her twin pregnancy.The deceased's family, which was identified as Agnieszka T., he spread his story on social networks in search of justice, since they ensure that tragedy is due to what doctors did not extract the dead fetuses of their belly in time.
"We call for justice and compensation for the death of our deceased wife, mother, sister and friend.This is another proof that the reigning governments have their hands stained with blood, "says the publication that not only explains what happened to the woman, but shows a video that was recorded days before he died.
"Who is the criminal subject at this time? Who is responsible for this damage? The hospital? The Constitutional Court? The deputies voting for the anti -abortion law in Poland?" Asks the family.
WARNING: These images can hurt your sensitivity
His death triggered a series of protests throughout Poland.In Warsaw Citizens placed crowns of flowers and lanterns in their memorial and met before the Constitutional Court to light candles and show their repudiation of the almost total abortion prohibition.In the next few days, demonstrations are planned in their hometown, Czestochowa, and road blockages in the country.
"We continue to protest so that no one dies else," said Marta Lempart, organizer of the protests."Polish abortion prohibition kills.Another person has died because the necessary medical procedure was not performed on time ".
The statement explains that AGNIESZKA T.He was in the first trimester of twin pregnancy when he was hospitalized on December 21 in a hospital in the city of Czestochowa with abdominal pain and vomiting.At that time, doctors affirmed that their discomforts could be attributed to their multiple pregnancy.
However, a health state was deteriorated and two days later, on December 23, the death of one of the fetuses was found, whose extraction was not allowed due to the strict law of abortion that governs in the country.The woman spent seven days with the dead baby in her belly, until the other twin also ended up dying on the 29th.However, "the manual extraction" of the fetuses did not take place up to two days later, on December 31.
"During all this time, the decomposition bodies of the unborn children were there," denounces the family, convinced that Agnieszka ended up developing sepsis."We judge for the results, because when he entered the hospital, the CRP exam [C-reactive protein, which shows the level of inflammation of the body] showed 7 units, the day before his death, there were already 157.31H (norma 5), sin embargo, la información sobre la sepsis no está en los documentos", reza la publicación.Women's relatives revealed that their vital functions worsened to such an extent that it ended in a "plant" state.
The family says that in the hospital "many things were hidden" and access to medical records were denied in the absence of an authorization from the patient, who was no longer in a position to sign it.According to the publication, doctors even hinted that the state of Agnieszka was due to an inappropriate diet, specifically to the consumption of raw meat.
A few weeks later, on January 23, the patient suffered a cardiac arrest and resuscitation was successfully practiced.However, the next day, the state of Agnieszka indicated agony and most of its organs stopped working.The woman was transferred to another hospital in the city of Blachownia, where she finally died on January 25, 2022.
For its part, the hospital where the woman initially entered, issued a statement in which she admits that after the loss of the first fetus "a waiting position was adopted, due to the fact that there was the possibility of saving the second child".
However, when he also died despite medical efforts, "the decision to interrupt pregnancy was taken immediately"."Pharmacological and mechanical induction of abortion was carried out, which lasted two days," said the management.
The institution ensures that during admission, specialists carried out "many medical procedures" to help the patient."Hematological, psychiatric, surgical, psychological, gastroenterological and neurological consultations were carried out, while several PCR tests were made, of which one was positive.
"A series of subsequent studies were carried out, based on which the characteristics of a pulmonary embolism and inflammatory changes were found," said the hospital, adding that all possible measures were taken to save the patient's life and keep it inContact with your family, despite Covid-19 restrictions.
The press spokesman of the Prosecutor's Office of the District of Czestochowa, Tomasz Ozimek, reported that on January 26 an investigation was initiated due to the direct risk of loss of life and a possible case of involuntary homicide.
"The investigation covers the period from December 2021 to January 2022 in two hospitals in Czestochowa and the Blachownia hospital," he said, adding that an autopsy will be performed on the woman's body to determine the cause of her death.
The new abortion law, which approved last year the Constitutional Court, excludes the possibility of interrupting pregnancy when the fetus present malformations, assuming almost all of the legal abortions that occurred in the country.
The new legislation provides that this type of medical intervention is only legal in case of a pregnancy product of a violation, incest or in case the mother's life is endangered.For their part, women's rights activists point out that, with the new law, doctors wait for the fetus without survival to directly die in the mother's uterus.
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